The skinny on Skinny Bitch: Part 2

On Monday I posted Part 1 of my review of the book, Skinny Bitch, by Rory Freedman and Kim Barnouin. Read on for Part 2. (To read Part 1 click here).

In the book the authors specifically say, “This is not a diet. This is a way of life.” (pg 10) Yet they spend a good portion of the book spelling out what’s essentially a diet plan for readers.  They list acceptable breakfast, lunch and dinner food, along with acceptable junk food, snacks and desserts, and let’s not forget about the acceptable condiments, baking supplies and miscellaneous. This is basically a whole lot of name dropping as they name specific brands such as Nature’s Path Optimum Slim cereal (pg 143), Tofurkey deli slices (pg 146) and Yves Veggie Ground Round Mexican (which they describe as Mexican-style ground “meat,” pg 149). I wonder how much they got paid to endorse these companies and products. Let’s put the shoe on the other foot. I could do the same thing – write a book and endorse companies that they would probably chastise such as McCain Foods or Parmalat.

In the final chapter, the authors, in a sense, take back everything they’ve just said in the previous 12 chapters. Throughout the book they encourage readers to be a skinny bitch. But near the end they say, “Now that you’re a Skinny Bitch, don’t turn into a skinny bitch. We conceived the title, Skinny Bitch, to get attention and sell books.” (pg 186) Well, at least they admit it.

Now before you think that I’m being overly critical of this book, I want to point out that I do agree with one thing the authors say – “Forget what you’ve ever read, heard or learned and just think for yourself.” (pg 185) That’s right, forget what you’ve read in this book and think for yourself.

So you might ask, why would I put myself through the pain of reading this book? Well, as my boss, who’s also read the book, put it, “It’s good to know your enemies.” That might be putting it a little harshly. I definitely don’t consider vegetarians or vegans or those people involved in organic agriculture my enemies. But I agree that it’s good to know what you’re up against. We as an agriculture industry are up against the likes of Rory Freedman and Kim Barnouin. And they’re doing a good job of getting their message out. After all, their book is a #1 New York Times Bestseller. We in the ag industry need to do a better job of getting our message out.

If supporting all sectors of the agriculture industry means I’ll never be a skinny bitch, then I’m OK with that. I think it’s time to fire up the barbecue, throw on a juicy steak, some veggies and potatoes, and wash it down with a cold glass of milk. Bon Appétit!

10 thoughts on “The skinny on Skinny Bitch: Part 2

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  1. Hahaha, the reviews of this book made me laugh. These women sound totally ridiculous and it’s funny they mentioned how they came up with the title simply to sell books.

    I guess something simple like sticking to the Canada Food Guide and daily recommendations for a healthy lifestyle just aren’t sexy sellers when you’ve got books with intriguing titles like The South Beach Diet and Skinny Bitch. Maybe the Ag industry could come up with a sexy theme to repackage our Food Guide information? Just a thought! 🙂

  2. Nicely said Teresa. I had never heard of this book before your post but i enjoyed your commentary on it. I’m like you…I’ll take a steak any day.

  3. As I mentioned last week, and after reading your review, I have no interest in reading such garbage. I like my steak, my hamburgers, my dairy and all other foods. As I can well attest, being healthy and losing weight is about CONTROL. I can eat all the foods I love, I just have to plan them out and eat them in moderation. It’s possible to enjoy all the food you love and still lose weight. I can’t believe these people were able to write such a piece of garbage, and be NYT best sellers. Blech.

  4. Oh, it was an awful book. Did no credit to anyone who ever eats, worries about their body, or cares about food. Manipulative in the sense of foolish middle school girls in Disney Chanel movies. And it was full of crazy processed food. Where was the actual love and thought that flows through food in our cultures?

    Now, this is from someone who is mostly vegetarian, for a multitude of reasons, including health (I’d rather get my sat fat from eggs which are so utterly delicious and excellent cheese), finances, feedlots*, and simple dislike of beef colliding with indifference to chicken.

    *I have been to a handful, and there was one I would eat from, but mostly not.

    1. I agree, GroundCherry. It was very manipulative and full of processed food suggestions. I’m concerned about young girls reading such a book and thinking this is the way to eat to be skinny. Thanks for commenting!

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