Year of Joy: October

2016 is flying by. I can't believe we're down to two months remaining in the year. October was a challenging month for many in the Western Canadian farming community with endless wet and cool weather. Here's hoping the weather improves as we close out the year. Here's what brought me joy in October. Good friends... Continue Reading →

Year of Joy: September

The first month of Fall flew by. September is one of my favourite times of the year because it's harvest time on the Canadian Prairies. Some of the things that brought me joy this month revolved around harvest. Visiting friends on their farm near Calgary during their harvest - riding in the truck and combine, and... Continue Reading →

Pulse Love: Saskatchewan Pulse Facts

It's International Year of Pulses, as declared by the United Nations, so I've been showing pulses some love this year - and I've now reached the halfway point in my Pulse Love series. If you missed the previous posts, I've included links at the bottom of this post - check them out. This month I... Continue Reading →

Be a Volunteer

"We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give." Winston Churchill I've always had a love of volunteering and come by it honestly growing up in a farm family where my parents were strong examples of volunteering in our small community and church - bringing food to... Continue Reading →

Connecting Farmers and Consumers: Less Telling, More Asking

Earlier this week I read a great blog post written by ag journalist Holly Spangler. She shared Five Things Farmers Need to Know about Consumers on the Farm Progress Prairie Farmer blog. Read her post here. Point No. 4 resonated with me. Holly says, "We need to be less about 'telling our story,' and more... Continue Reading →

The Real Takeaway from the Dr. Oz Show

Unfortunately, every day after work I arrive at the gym just in time for the Dr. Oz show. Why do I say unfortunately? Because I'm not a fan of Dr. Oz. His show is pure sensationalism. He overhypes pretty much every topic he addresses on the show and uses fear mongering simply to increase his... Continue Reading →

This is Not a Glorified Petting Zoo

I spent last weekend volunteering at Aggie Days in Calgary surrounded by kids and strollers. I did some people watching and couldn't help but notice how excited the kids were to see all the animals, machinery etc. These things are a novelty for city kids (the majority of Aggie Days attendees are urban folks). I... Continue Reading →

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