Gratitude Journal: April 28, 2018

It's time for another gratitude journal post. I've missed a few weeks so I have some catching up to do, and of course lots to be thankful for. Easter with my brother, sister-in-law and baby niece. They travelled to Alberta to pick up a horse and stopped to visit me. It made my weekend! Holidays... Continue Reading →

#plant14 is in full swing

It was a long, cold winter across much of Canada, including the Prairies. At times it seemed like spring would never arrive. But it always does. For urban dwellers, spring's delayed arrival is more of an annoyance than anything. But to the farmers who are anxiously waiting to plant the seeds that will grow into... Continue Reading →

11.5 kilometres and counting

I had my first official guest in my new condo this past long weekend. And it was a special visitor - my mom. It was a fun and busy weekend. We share a love of the outdoors and exercise so most of the weekend was spent exploring the nearby mountains and foothills. We travelled to... Continue Reading →

Exploring Johnston Canyon

This past weekend we ventured out of the city to Banff National Park located west of Calgary in the mountains. In the park we stopped at Johnston Canyon. We walked to the lower falls and then further on to the upper falls. It was a beautiful day for a hike. Here are some photos from... Continue Reading →

Exploring Kananaskis Country

Last weekend I got my first taste of beautiful Kananaskis Country and I loved it. The Kananaskis Country recreation area is located southwest of Calgary, Alberta. The area contains more than 4,000 square kilometres of foothills and mountains to explore. Snow on the ground and a chill in the air limited my hiking, but I... Continue Reading →

Between here and there

This past weekend my friend and I took a road trip down to Minneapolis. Of course the purpose of the trip was shopping, but because this is an agriculture blog, I won't ramble on about the good deals we scored! Rather, I want to write a bit about what's happening in the fields between here... Continue Reading →

Wordless Wednesday: Signs of Spring

This past weekend I escaped the city and went to the family farm. I love the wide open spaces of the prairies and breathing in the fresh country air. I will always be a country girl! During my time at the farm I was able to snap a few photos of spring. After a long... Continue Reading →

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