Ultimate Foods Grown in Our Own Backyard

At a recent agricultural conference I decided to take in a session with speaker Mairlyn Smith. Some of you may recognize her name. Mairlyn is a professional home economist who makes regular appearances on CityLine and Breakfast Television in Canada. She peppers her healthy cooking talks with a side of comedy. Check out her website. During... Continue Reading →

My Favourite Time of Year

It's that time of year, folks. July on the Canadian Prairies. The fields are blooming. The colours are brilliant. It's my favourite time of year. So of course, I have to share more crop photos. These photos are from recent field tours in southern Alberta and southern Manitoba. As you're looking at these photos, I... Continue Reading →

A Real Field Day

Earlier this week I had the opportunity to get out of the city and out of the office for a day. I did a ride along with one of our reps in central Alberta walking fields and visiting with growers and retailers. We scouted barley, wheat, canola and pea fields. Frequent and timely crop scouting... Continue Reading →

Western Canada’s Other Oil Boom

There's an oil boom taking place across the Canadian Prairies but it's not what you think. A different kind of oil - an oilseed - is blooming throughout Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta. It's called canola. Canola is a western Canadian success story. The crop was bred at the University of Manitoba in the 1970s. This... Continue Reading →

My Friendly Manitoba Visit

You can't take the country out of the girl!  I may now live in one of Canada's largest cities, but I will always be a country girl. I love escaping the concrete jungle and venturing into the wide open spaces. And there's no better wide open spaces, in my opinion, than the Keystone province. Recently... Continue Reading →

Giving thanks for food and farmers

Going around the table and having each person say what they were thankful for was a Thanksgiving tradition at my extended family gatherings growing up. As a child the answers usually were friends, family, toys and food, especially food. We were, after all, waiting to dig into a delicious spread that always included turkey and all the... Continue Reading →

Bringing in the harvest: Canola

Canola is often referred to as western Canada's Cinderella crop because of its humble beginnings and fast climb to multi-billion dollar status. The oilseed is my favorite crop because of its bright yellow flowers. The countryside around my family farm is a sea of yellow during the summer. Here are some photos from our recent canola harvest.   We... Continue Reading →

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