Year of Joy: November

Looking back on November, it all seems a blur to me. It was a whirlwind month with lots of busyness at work. Once again, many things brought me joy but there are a few things that top the list. My parents 43rd wedding anniversary! In this day and age, it is rare to find couples... Continue Reading →

Embarking on a new adventure.

Life is full of tough decisions. After 4.5 years working in marketing at a large global agriculture company, I recently made the decision to pursue another opportunity. The decision didn't come easy, but sometimes you have to take a risk and seize a new opportunity. So I'm excited to share that I will now be working with... Continue Reading →

Show some respect

I'm upset. I've been silently fuming over this for the past several days. Ontario dairy and grain farmer Andrew Campbell is posting a new photo of what happens on the farm every day in 2015 and tagging it with the hashtag #farm365. The first photo of the year featured a newborn heifer that was born at 1:40... Continue Reading →

Connecting Farmers and Consumers: Less Telling, More Asking

Earlier this week I read a great blog post written by ag journalist Holly Spangler. She shared Five Things Farmers Need to Know about Consumers on the Farm Progress Prairie Farmer blog. Read her post here. Point No. 4 resonated with me. Holly says, "We need to be less about 'telling our story,' and more... Continue Reading →

Wordless Wednesday: It’s Harvest Time

#Harvest13 is in full swing on my family farm in southern Manitoba. I shared in a recent blog post that as a farm girl I wish I was there to help. But unfortunately I'm many miles away. So my young farmer brother has captured some harvest photos. Take a look! Check out this blog post... Continue Reading →

My Favourite Time of Year

It's that time of year, folks. July on the Canadian Prairies. The fields are blooming. The colours are brilliant. It's my favourite time of year. So of course, I have to share more crop photos. These photos are from recent field tours in southern Alberta and southern Manitoba. As you're looking at these photos, I... Continue Reading →

A Real Field Day

Earlier this week I had the opportunity to get out of the city and out of the office for a day. I did a ride along with one of our reps in central Alberta walking fields and visiting with growers and retailers. We scouted barley, wheat, canola and pea fields. Frequent and timely crop scouting... Continue Reading →

This Isn’t Your Grandpa’s Farm

FACT: My family farm produces enough food to feed 120 people every day. My grandpa's farm produced enough food to feed 10 people every day. This ISN'T my grandpa's farm. So why are today's farms able to produce that much more? Crop protection products and plant biotechnology tools are allowing farmers to produce more yield per... Continue Reading →

9 billion by 2050

These numbers have been drilled into my head. They've been mentioned at every agriculture conference I have attended for the past few years. If you work in the ag industry you'll probably know what I'm referring to when I say these numbers. If not, I'll fill you in. The global population is expected to reach... Continue Reading →

Western Canada’s Other Oil Boom

There's an oil boom taking place across the Canadian Prairies but it's not what you think. A different kind of oil - an oilseed - is blooming throughout Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta. It's called canola. Canola is a western Canadian success story. The crop was bred at the University of Manitoba in the 1970s. This... Continue Reading →

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