Celebrating together at the Calgary Stampede

After 100 years agriculture is still the backbone of the Calgary Stampede. Alberta Premier Alison Redford said it best during the Stampede, "This province is based on agriculture. You've gotta go to the barns!" And hundreds of thousands of people did just that. Many Stampede attendees took a walk through the Stampede barns to see... Continue Reading →

AFWA Tour: Ag and Oil

Last week I escaped the concrete jungle of Calgary and explored a new part of the province. I ventured about 3.5 hours northwest to the Drayton Valley area for the two-day Alberta Farm Writers Association (AFWA) annual farm tour. For those of you who are familiar with the province of Alberta, I'm sure the first... Continue Reading →

IFAJ ag tour: Bison and Maple Syrup

During last week's International Federation of Agricultural Journalists (IFAJ) 2011 Congress I participated in the two-day Lake Ontario agriculture tour. The tour took us east of Toronto to visit a bison farm and a maple syrup business. From there we drove to Prince Edward County, a piece of fertile land jutting into Lake Ontario, where... Continue Reading →

Bringing in the harvest: Winter wheat

On the Prairies winter wheat is planted in the fall and harvested the next summer, as opposed to spring wheat which is planted in the spring and harvested in the fall. Last week we harvested approximately 400 acres of winter wheat on our farm. Here are some photos from our winter wheat harvest.     This year... Continue Reading →

Hunk of Meat Monday: Eat Beef

I recently learned about a blogging initiative called Hunk of Meat Mondays. This was started as a way to find more recipes with meat in them. We raise cattle on our farm and therefore always have a supply of beef in the freezer. So this week I've decided to participate in Hunk of Meat Monday... Continue Reading →

Farming fish in Manitoba

Earlier this week I had the opportunity to attend the grand opening of the Manitoba-Canadian Model Aqua-Farm Initiative. The aqua-farm is located on Rudy and Leslie Reimer's farm near Warren, Man. Aquaculture produces more than 50 per cent of seafood consumed globally, according to Jeff Eastman, aquaculture business development specialist with Manitoba Agriculture, Food and Rural... Continue Reading →

Praying for blue sky

Today I can't help but think of the thousands of people who have been forced from their homes because of the rising flood waters and the thousands of people who are giving of their time and energy to help in the flood fight. As a Winnipegger it's easy to not give a thought to what's... Continue Reading →

Celebrating a real farmer

Anyone can call themselves a farmer but that doesn't always mean they're a real farmer. To use an ag analogy, it's kind of like separating the wheat from the chaff - separating the real farmers from the hasbeens or the wannabes. This blog post is dedicated to a real farmer - my dad - who turns... Continue Reading →

Livestock and the environment

People and animals have been tied together for thousands of years. There's an "ancient contract" between the two, according to Dr. Henry Janzen, research scientist with Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada. But there are strains in that ancient contract. Do we need to rethink this ancient contract in order to minimize our footprint on the environment? asks... Continue Reading →

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