Gratitude Journal: July 2, 2018

The first half of 2018 flew by and here we are - July 2. Happy Canada Day to all my fellow Canadians! I'm proud to be a Canadian. I've been fortunate to have travelled to many new, exciting places. There's so much to experience in other places and so many awesome people all around the... Continue Reading →

Year of Joy: September

The first month of Fall flew by. September is one of my favourite times of the year because it's harvest time on the Canadian Prairies. Some of the things that brought me joy this month revolved around harvest. Visiting friends on their farm near Calgary during their harvest - riding in the truck and combine, and... Continue Reading →

Year of Joy: August

August is in the books, which means our short Prairie summer has come to a close. Many things brought me joy in the final month of summer. My brother's 40th birthday. I can't believe my oldest brother is now 40. Seems like just yesterday we were kids growing up on the farm. Making a pit stop... Continue Reading →

Year of Joy: July

July flew by. I can't believe summer will be over in less than a month. July was a very busy month for me, but I like to be busy. It was a very exciting month with many things bringing me joy including Stampede and vacation. So let's get started. Spent Canada Day at the Millarville horse... Continue Reading →

Pulse Love: Saskatchewan Pulse Facts

It's International Year of Pulses, as declared by the United Nations, so I've been showing pulses some love this year - and I've now reached the halfway point in my Pulse Love series. If you missed the previous posts, I've included links at the bottom of this post - check them out. This month I... Continue Reading →

Looking Back on Twenty Twelve

The other day while driving to work with my favourite Cowtown country music station turned up, the Christmas songs ended and the announcers came on and started talking about something that made my ears perk up. They were talking about being thankful. While it seems like every time we turn on the news, we are... Continue Reading →

Who’s we?

Well, I guess it's time to let the cat out of the bag. For the past several months I've been blogging about all the fun stuff I've been doing often using the term "we." And I've been getting a number of inquiries asking "who's we?" Well, we is me and him. Him being Keith, my... Continue Reading →

The Art of Packing, Unpacking and Repacking

You know you've been away too much when you want nothing more than to go home and stay home. My first summer in Calgary was a busy one. Come to think of it, I was rarely IN Calgary this summer. I spent most of the summer travelling, which meant constant packing, unpacking and repacking. I... Continue Reading →

Swapping Ag Goodies

At last week's Agvocacy 2.0 conference I had the opportunity to learn about agriculture in other areas of Canada and the United States through a swap meet where we exchanged ag items that represented our region with items from other areas. (To read more about my experience at the AgChat Foundation conference click here). I... Continue Reading →

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