Year of Joy: December

Better late than never! This pretty much sums me up. I'm late for almost everything, including writing my last Year of Joy post for 2016. But this time (and almost every time!), I have a good excuse. For the first eight days of January I was on vacation in Hawaii and then returned to work... Continue Reading →

Be a Volunteer

"We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give." Winston Churchill I've always had a love of volunteering and come by it honestly growing up in a farm family where my parents were strong examples of volunteering in our small community and church - bringing food to... Continue Reading →

Vintage Tractor Pull Returns to the Calgary Stampede

As a volunteer on the Calgary Stampede Agriculture Media committee, this year I have the privilege of assisting the Stampede Farm Equipment committee with its social and traditional media needs. I have thoroughly enjoyed working with this committee over the past few months. I feel that the Stampede has a tendency to focus on animal agriculture while other aspects... Continue Reading →

Summing up a challenging first half

It's June 23, 2014. As we approach the mid-year mark, I find myself reflecting on the first half of 2014. If I wanted to sum up this time in my life in one word, I'd choose "challenging." For those of you who are regular readers of this blog, you've probably noticed that I've been unusually... Continue Reading →

A #Stampede101 Photo Gallery

Armed with my trusty Nikon digital camera I walked the Calgary Stampede grounds snapping photos. Most of my photos focus on the agricultural aspects of Stampede. Enjoy!

Come Hell or High Water – the Show Must Go On

"We will be hosting the greatest outdoor show on Earth come hell or high water," said Bob Thompson, Stampede president and board chairman. "In its 101-year history, the Calgary Stampede has never been cancelled, despite two wars and the Great Depression."  And the show certainly went on. The 10-day Calgary Stampede wrapped up on Sunday... Continue Reading →

Pulling an All-Nighter: Volunteer Style

I pulled a caffeine-free all-nighter this past weekend. I volunteered for the night shift, from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m., at an evacuation centre in Calgary - a city that is dealing with the devastating effects of flooding. Thousands of people have been forced from their homes and have lost their homes in parts of Calgary... Continue Reading →

The Future of 4-H

Quick quiz: what do the 4 H's in 4-H stand for? Read the rest of this post and you'll find out at the end. 4-H is celebrating a big birthday this year - 100 years. Since 1913, 4-H has given youth between the ages of eight and 21 opportunities to learn new things such as... Continue Reading →

Raising the Roof

On Friday I had the opportunity to get out from behind the desk and swing a hammer outside on a beautiful winter day. Together with some of my coworkers I volunteered at a Habitat for Humanity build in Calgary. This particular build is supported by several agriculture companies and the project is referred to as... Continue Reading →

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