Embarking on a new adventure

In a recent blog post I talked about being adventurous, and I think I’ve spent a good chunk of my life being adventurous in various ways. So why stop now? I’m excited to share that I will soon be embarking on a new adventure. I’ve accepted a position as Public Relations Account Executive for AdFarm, an agricultural marketing and communications agency. This new adventure will take me to both of AdFarm’s Canadian offices – Calgary, Alberta and Guelph, Ontario. As most of you know I’m passionate about agriculture and communications, and I look forward to helping AdFarm’s ag clients meet and exceed their PR goals. I also look forward to working with AdFarm’s talented Canadian PR team. A big thanks to AdFarm for giving me this opportunity.

But before I begin this new adventure, there’s some people I need to thank. As the popular song goes, Breaking up is hard to do. I have gained much valuable communications, public relations and marketing experience during my more than three years as Communications Officer for the Manitoba Rural Adaptation Council (MRAC). And I’ve had the privilege of working with a dedicated staff and board of directors. Not to get all sappy, but I consider each of them not just a coworker but a friend. Saying goodbye is often difficult but I believe that change is a good thing. Yes, breaking up is hard to do, but sometimes it’s the right thing to do.

I also need to thank my family. It’s nice to have a second opinion sometimes especially when you’re dealing with fairly big decisions. Who do I go to for my second opinion? You guessed it. I value their opinions and always take their advice into consideration. So I appreciate the advice, but also the moving help. I’ve done my share of moving in my short life and they’re always willing to help. I’m sure they were hoping that my condo purchase would finally be my last move, but no, here we are, packing up once again. Regardless, they’re always supportive of my decisions, and while I’ve been told that I will be missed around the farm, they are excited about this new opportunity.

As I slowly but surely creep towards the big 30, I sometimes find myself thinking that I’m getting too old for new challenging adventures. But then I think, age is really just a number. As the saying goes, you’re only as old as you feel. And I feel young, full of energy and ready for a new, exciting challenge. One of my goals is to be able to still say this when I’m 50-plus!

I hope to share about my new adventure on this very blog so please continue reading. Feel free to subscribe and if you’re on Twitter, follow me @teresadfalk.  


On another note: Today I’m wishing my oldest nephew a Happy 12th Birthday! He was about six months old when I graduated from high school and I remember holding him for a photo and we all joked about his bald head. I’m happy to report that he now has a full head of dark brown hair! He cracks us up with his jokes, is too smart for his own good, and is our star baseball player (he is a Falk after all – it runs in the family!). Happy Birthday bud from your favourite aunty! (OK, so I’m his only aunty, but still his favourite!)

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all my readers!

21 thoughts on “Embarking on a new adventure

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  1. I wish you the best of luck at AdFarm. As we use them for some of our ag comm projects, maybe you will handle my file one day.
    I look forward to reading about your new adventure and am glad you will still be coming to CFWF ’12. We will finally be able to have a beer together after my own little adventure in 2012. I’ll keep you posted on that too!
    If we don’t connect before you leave…take care!

    1. Thanks Karli! I look forward to possibly working with you on a project. And good luck with your little adventure coming in 2012! Keep me posted. I have enjoyed getting to know you better. Keep in touch. Merry Christmas!

  2. Congratulations! And you’re never to old for adventures!! Adventures are fun, adventures are fine and we all need adventures from time to time (apologies to F. Penner).

  3. WOW TERESA!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!! I am so happy for you. I am so happy that you will be spending some time in Guelph…hopefully you will plan on seeing us a little more often.

    Does this mean you are moving to Alberta? And when?

    Congrats again and Merry Merry Christmas.

    1. Be careful what you wish for, Sue! I’m going to be at your place all the time – at least for a year or so! 🙂 I’ll be living in Guelph for at least a year covering a mat leave. I move to Guelph in early March. So I’ll see you then. Merry Christmas!

  4. congratulations, teresa! you’re gonna be great! yes…you can never be too old for adventures. a change of scenery can often do wonders.

  5. This is SO EXCITING!!! Congrats!! I can’t wait to read about your adventures! Good luck with the move – glad you have such amazing family to help you!

    1. Thanks Sarah! Yes, I do have a wonderful family, which certainly makes things easier at busy times like this. Thanks for reading! Merry Christmas!

  6. Teresa, Welcome to AdFarm! Look forward to working with you and if you ever get down to St. Louis the welcome mat is out. Have a wonderful Christmas.

  7. What a fabulous adventure. Wishing you success with every aspect…new cities, new homes, new friends and a new job. That’s a lot of new stuff. All the best Teresa!

  8. An early welcome to the farm, Teresa. I’ll see you in Calgary the week of the 16th. Can’t wait to meet you in person! Congratulations on your appointment and all the best on this new adventure.

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