Gratitude Journal: March 25, 2018

Last week I started an online Gratitude Journal. On a regular basis, I will be blogging about what I'm grateful for at the moment. Life is tough. When it seems like nothing is going your way, it can be hard to feel grateful. But I believe there's always something that can put a smile on... Continue Reading →

Gratitude Journal: March 17, 2018

Welcome to my online Gratitude Journal!  You may recall, in 2016 I had a blog series titled Year of Joy where I recapped various things that brought me joy every month. This will be similar, but I'm going to try and post more frequently. Because even when you've had a rough day, there's always something... Continue Reading →

Destination: Sweden and Norway

I had what many would call an idyllic childhood growing up on the family farm in southern Manitoba. Acres and acres to roam free and play. Aunts, uncles, cousins and good friends down the road. We knew everyone. And we trusted everyone. And that's the way it should be. If I ever have kids, I... Continue Reading →

Fab Fashion Find: Maxi Skirt

In the past I've shied away from maxi skirts as I've had a hard time finding one that fits right. I wasn't blessed with height and most of them looked and felt too big. Then I read a blog post that said petite girls can pull off maxi skirts but they need to be more... Continue Reading →

Next stop: The beautiful Caribbean coastline

One of my goals for 2016 is to travel more for pleasure. My goal is to take two larger trips this year and I'm happy to report that I'm now half-way to completing my goal thanks to a recent trip to Mexico with my good friend Leanne from Manitoba! All-inclusive winter vacations are popular among... Continue Reading →

My 2015 Instagram Top Pics

Agriculture, farm life, food, family, fitness and Stampede - that about sums it up! With a little bit of fashion thrown in there. My #2015bestnine Instagram photos are all about my favourite things. I grew up on a family farm in Manitoba and work in the agriculture industry. I'm passionate about connecting farm and food.... Continue Reading →

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